one year ago, patrick and i got in a huge fight on the way to PAWS. according to me "there was so much traffic" on western that we absolutely, positively were never going to make it before they closed. yes, we had been looking at pups for quite some time, and yes we thought we found a winner in this small black shihtzu named polly, but ughhhh THERE WAS TRAFFIC!
polly's first picture, 9/30/11 |
we finally made it and miraculously found parking. we filled out the form for prospective puppy parents, still furious at each other and giving one word answers. after we were done, we started to walk around, and politely look at the dogs that we knew we were not interested in, until we heard someone else ask "can we look for polly now?" well to say we made a beeline for polly's room would be a lie. we sprinted. and when the door swung open, and about half a dozen small dogs came running out of the very large room that was their home, polly came politely trotting out, with a cone around her neck, walked directly to pat's lap and plopped down for a nap. i'll never forget the look we exchanged, and i knew it was up to me. "we'll take polly," i said. "as soon as possible."
she was ours within an hour. it was a rainy warm September afternoon, and at the time she didn't seem to like riding in the car (we now know that isn't true.) she cautiously stared at us as we tried to bribe her with toys and snacks, and she freaked the heck out when we tried to put her in a kennel.
it took us a few weeks to feel like a family, but now that is just what we are. polly has given us unconditional love, she has remained loyal to us as our surroundings have drastically changed. she's a little traveler as we took her on a plane to virignia, and on a 22 hour car ride from chicago to winter park. she's the world's best company when you've had a terrible day at work, and all she wants to do is lay down in your lap and make sure you know how much she needs you. she is, very simply, the best. and both pat and polly are my daily reminder that your family can take years to build, or just hours. and there is nothing sweeter than having a house full of love. i am so lucky to call both of them mine.
happy girl, anna maria island - 8/11/12 |