Monday, March 11, 2013

print love

we have finally gotten around to hanging a few things on the walls of our little nest. just in time to renew our one year lease, i might add.

side note: i've been asked a few times if we plan to buy a house here in florida, because well, houses are extremely affordable in this neck of the woods. but our answer remains: we don't know. first will come marriage, then we'll think about a house with a baby in the baby carriage. and maybe not even in that order!

back to the walls. i've combined a few DIY pieces, with a few prints i've collected over the years. i've taken pictures and posted those on instagram because i am obsessed with instagram. i've received quite a few questions about where i bought this or that. so here it goes:

chicago bean via: etsy

i'm so happy print - via etsy

(without the terrible shadow)

portrait by anna rifle bond

 french fried potatoes - thrift store in chicago

state prints - chicago's renegade craft fair
(but the designers have a website now - here!) 

a&p via hobby lobby (and spray painted gold) 

a million congratulations

i would do absolutely anything to still live in chicago.  so patricio, polly, and i could walk a few short blocks, with a bottle of champagne in my longchamp, and celebrate spring break style because....


a million congratulations really are in order for our most favorite neighbors and our dear dear friends, because this perfect pair is making it a forever kind of thing.

we love you guys, and are over the moon happy. 

"they are the kind of friends who remind you by their very steadfastness, that truth, beauty, and goodness exist in the world. and that no matter what, there are and always will be, people loving people through thick and thin."