Friday, June 29, 2012

that girl could write. (and direct)

this week we lost ms. nora ephron and to be quite honest, it felt like losing someone that you once knew a very long time ago, but hadn't thought of for ages. i was much too young to appreciate her movies when they first premiered, but i found great comfort in my late teens, watching them all and knowing that it was ok to be a highly verbal, slightly neurotic, bright, feminine woman who isn't always ladylike, but is terribly funny. 

she closed her book, "i remember nothing," with two lists: one of things she will miss, the other a list of what she won't. here are my responses to those same lists:

What I Won't Miss
body odor
dry skin
burning rice
losing sunglasses
high heels
the anxiety i feel over the potential of lost luggage
open windows on a highway
the day after Christmas
junk email
junk mail

What I Will Miss
my patricio
my polly girl
shopping for a new favorite dress
finding my new favorite dress
movie trailers
driving on (a traffic-free) lakeshore drive, early in the morning, in january
seersucker anything
new years eve
ice cold chardonnay
thai food
"dinner with friends in cities where none of us lives" - i stole this from nora

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