Monday, March 11, 2013

print love

we have finally gotten around to hanging a few things on the walls of our little nest. just in time to renew our one year lease, i might add.

side note: i've been asked a few times if we plan to buy a house here in florida, because well, houses are extremely affordable in this neck of the woods. but our answer remains: we don't know. first will come marriage, then we'll think about a house with a baby in the baby carriage. and maybe not even in that order!

back to the walls. i've combined a few DIY pieces, with a few prints i've collected over the years. i've taken pictures and posted those on instagram because i am obsessed with instagram. i've received quite a few questions about where i bought this or that. so here it goes:

chicago bean via: etsy

i'm so happy print - via etsy

(without the terrible shadow)

portrait by anna rifle bond

 french fried potatoes - thrift store in chicago

state prints - chicago's renegade craft fair
(but the designers have a website now - here!) 

a&p via hobby lobby (and spray painted gold) 

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